Sunday, March 21, 2010


I believe that God has a healing heart. He hates to see his children suffering, and he calls us to ask in his name and he will HEAL. This is just something God has been revealing to me as the prep for this mission begins - and has continuously excited me with. In our home group last Wed., we were designated someone to write to, and i ended up with Ajack. It was a complete leap of faith, but God used me even when it felt like the exact opposite to me. In the end, Ajack and I prayed together for healing of a headache he had for 2 days straight - and God came through. We asked together in faith, and believed for the miracle, and God did not dissapoint. i believe that God wants to see healing in Sierra Leone, and that all we have to do is ask, and step out in faith. The rest is up to him. God doesn't care about how many hours we spent in prayer this week, or how long we volunteered; he wants our complete trust in him - our complete faith for the miraculous.

Psalm 77:14
You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.


Thursday, March 11, 2010

The adventure begins

We're going to Sierra Leone!!! A group of 18 of us, ranging from 15 to well much much older....

Our adventure begins not on the 2nd of July when we step foot on the plane to take us there but it began 2 months ago when we said 'yes, I'll go". I don't think it will end once we get back, but please join us as we record our journey on this blog.

Looking forward to sharing the journey with you..
